1.0 Is Officially Out!

After 46 days of releasing Grapple Tactics Beta, 1.0 is finally here coming in with new levels for first person, four third person levels. As well as a version for Mac gamers! I have been working hard on it, but it's only my second game so its not that amazing but I'm still very proud of it :) There will still be updates in the near future, not as big as 1.0 but maybe with an extra mode. 1.1 is coming with a museum mode so stay tuned for that. Also, every new update will come with at least one extra level. So yeah, to anyone who plays this. Your amazing.


GrappleTactics1.0windows.zip 26 MB
Dec 12, 2020
Mac1.0.zip 25 MB
Dec 12, 2020

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